Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks


Build Facebook Messenger bots easily with "@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks" for Node.js.



This is not an official library of Facebook. Use at your own risk.

The @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks library is designed to simplify the process of building Facebook Messenger bots using webhooks. This library provides an easy-to-use interface for handling Messenger events and sending messages back to users, streamlining the interaction with the Messenger Platform API.

Key Features

  • Simplified Integration: Easily integrate Facebook Messenger webhook handling into Node.js applications.
  • Event-Driven Architecture: Built on an event-driven architecture, making it easy to listen for and respond to various events.
  • User-Friendly API: Provides a convenient API for handling incoming events and sending messages.
  • Scalable: Designed to handle multiple events efficiently, allowing for scalable chatbot applications.
  • TypeScript Support: Includes type definitions for better development experience and fewer runtime errors.
  • Open Source: Licensed under the MIT License, allowing for free use and modification.

Getting Started

To get started with @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Facebook Page and App: Ensure you have a Facebook Page and a Facebook App configured for Messenger.
  2. Obtain Tokens: Acquire the necessary tokens, including the Access Token and Verify Token, from Facebook.
  3. Install the Library: Add the library to your project using npm.
  4. Set Up Your Server: Configure a server to handle incoming webhook events.


You can install the @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks library via npm:

npm install @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks

Example Usage

Here’s a simple example of how to use the library:

import { Bot, MessageEvent } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
import 'dotenv/config';
const bot = new Bot({
  accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN || '',
  verifyToken: process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN || '',
bot.on('message', async (event: MessageEvent) => {
  const { sender, message } = event;
  if (message.text) {
    await bot.sendTextMessage(, `You said: ${message.text}`);
  } else {
    await bot.sendTextMessage(, 'Please send a text message.');


  1. Create a Bot Instance: Initialize a new Bot with your Access Token and Verify Token.
  2. Set Up Event Listener: Listen for incoming messages and define how to handle them.
  3. Respond to Messages: Send a response back to the user based on the message content.
  4. Start the Bot: Begin handling webhook events.


  • Make sure to set up your ACCESS_TOKEN and VERIFY_TOKEN in a .env file or as environment variables.
  • Ensure your server is publicly accessible and correctly configured in your Facebook App settings.
  • Run the script to start handling Messenger events.

By using this library, developers can focus on building their bot’s logic rather than managing the intricacies of the Messenger API, making bot development more efficient and manageable.

External Resources

For more detailed information about the Facebook Messenger Platform, please refer to the official Facebook Messenger Platform documentation:

Facebook Messenger Platform Documentation

This external resource provides comprehensive information about the Messenger Platform's features, capabilities, and best practices for bot development.

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