Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Generic Template

Design rich, interactive messages with the versatile Generic Template for bots.

The GenericTemplate consists of a series of GenericElement instances, each representing an item or a card within the template. Each GenericElement can include a title, subtitle, image, default action, and up to three interactive buttons.



  • title: The title of the element. Must be 80 characters or less.
  • subtitle (optional): The subtitle of the element. Must be 80 characters or less.
  • image_url (optional): The URL of the image to display in the element.
  • default_action (optional): The default action object that specifies the default behavior when the element is tapped.
  • buttons: An array of buttons to include in the element. A maximum of 3 buttons can be added.


  • constructor(title: string): Initializes a new GenericElement with the specified title.

    • Throws an error if the title exceeds 80 characters.
  • setSubtitle(subtitle: string): Sets the subtitle of the element.

    • Throws an error if the subtitle exceeds 80 characters.
  • setImageUrl(image_url: string): Sets the image URL for the element.

  • setDefaultAction(default_action: { type: string; url: string; webview_height_ratio: string }): Sets the default action for the element.

  • addButtons(buttons: Button[]): Adds buttons to the element.

    • Throws an error if adding the buttons exceeds the maximum of 3 buttons.
  • toJSON(): Converts the GenericElement into a JSON object for use in the template.



  • elements: An array of GenericElement instances to include in the template. A maximum of 10 elements can be added.
  • sharable (optional): Whether the template is sharable. Defaults to false.


  • constructor(options: { sharable?: boolean }): Initializes a new GenericTemplate with optional sharability.

  • addElement(element: GenericElement[]): Adds elements to the template.

    • Throws an error if adding the elements exceeds the maximum of 10 elements.
  • toJSON(): Converts the GenericTemplate into a JSON object suitable for sending via the messaging platform.

Example Usage

import { GenericTemplate, GenericElement } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
import { URLButton, PostbackButton } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const element1 = new GenericElement('Product 1')
  .setSubtitle('Best product ever!')
    new URLButton('View Details', ''),
    new PostbackButton('Buy Now', 'BUY_PRODUCT_1'),
const element2 = new GenericElement('Product 2')
  .setSubtitle('Another great product!')
    new URLButton('View Details', ''),
    new PostbackButton('Buy Now', 'BUY_PRODUCT_2'),
const genericTemplate = new GenericTemplate({ sharable: true }).addElement([element1, element2]);

JSON Representation

  "attachment": {
    "type": "template",
    "payload": {
      "template_type": "generic",
      "elements": [
          "title": "Product 1",
          "subtitle": "Best product ever!",
          "image_url": "",
          "buttons": [
              "type": "web_url",
              "title": "View Details",
              "url": ""
              "type": "postback",
              "title": "Buy Now",
              "payload": "BUY_PRODUCT_1"
          "title": "Product 2",
          "subtitle": "Another great product!",
          "image_url": "",
          "buttons": [
              "type": "web_url",
              "title": "View Details",
              "url": ""
              "type": "postback",
              "title": "Buy Now",
              "payload": "BUY_PRODUCT_2"
      "sharable": true

Additional Information

The GenericTemplate class provides a flexible way to display a list of items or cards, each with its own set of actions and details. Use this template to create rich, interactive messages that can enhance user engagement and provide a better user experience.

For further customization, explore the GenericElement class and the different button types to tailor the template to your specific needs.

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