Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Media Template

Enhance user interaction with media-rich templates featuring images or videos.

The MediaTemplate consists of a series of MediaElement instances. Each MediaElement can include a media type (image or video), an attachment ID or URL, and up to three interactive buttons.



  • media_type: The type of media. Can be either 'image' or 'video'.
  • attachment_id (optional): The attachment ID for the media. Used when uploading media to the platform.
  • url (optional): The URL of the media. Used for referencing media hosted elsewhere.
  • buttons: An array of buttons to include with the media element. A maximum of 3 buttons can be added.


  • constructor(media_type: MediaType): Initializes a new MediaElement with the specified media type ('image' or 'video').

  • setAttachmentId(attachment_id: string): Sets the attachment ID for the media.

    • Throws an error if both attachment_id and url are set.
  • setUrl(url: string): Sets the URL for the media.

    • Throws an error if both attachment_id and url are set.
  • addButtons(buttons: Button[]): Adds buttons to the media element.

    • Throws an error if adding the buttons exceeds the maximum of 3 buttons.
  • toJSON(): Converts the MediaElement into a JSON object for use in the template.



  • elements: An array of MediaElement instances to include in the template.
  • sharable (optional): Whether the template is sharable. Defaults to false.


  • constructor(options: { sharable?: boolean }): Initializes a new MediaTemplate with optional sharability.

  • addElement(element: MediaElement): Adds a MediaElement to the template. Maximum of 1 element.

  • toJSON(): Converts the MediaTemplate into a JSON object suitable for sending via the messaging platform.

Example Usage

import { MediaTemplate, MediaElement } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
import { URLButton, PostbackButton } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const mediaElement = new MediaElement('image')
    new URLButton('Learn More', ''),
    new PostbackButton('Contact Us', 'CONTACT_US'),
const mediaTemplate = new MediaTemplate({ sharable: true }).addElement(mediaElement);

JSON Representation

  "attachment": {
    "type": "template",
    "payload": {
      "template_type": "media",
      "elements": [
          "media_type": "image",
          "url": "",
          "buttons": [
              "type": "web_url",
              "title": "Learn More",
              "url": ""
              "type": "postback",
              "title": "Contact Us",
              "payload": "CONTACT_US"
      "sharable": true

Additional Information

The MediaTemplate class provides a flexible way to send media content with interactive options. By using MediaElement, you can include images or videos with customizable buttons to enhance user interaction.

For detailed usage, consider exploring the MediaElement class and its methods to tailor the media elements according to your application's needs.

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