Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Quick Replies

Learn to create interactive Quick Replies for your Messenger bot with ease.

The QuickReplies template consists of a main text prompt and a list of QuickReply buttons. Each QuickReply can have a title, an optional payload, and an optional image URL.



  • content_type: The type of content for the quick reply. Options include:

    • 'text': Default content type.
    • 'user_phone_number': Requests the user's phone number.
    • 'user_email': Requests the user's email address.
  • title: The title of the quick reply button. This is the text that users will see.

  • payload (optional): The data sent when the quick reply is selected. This can be a string or a number.

  • image_url (optional): The URL of an image to display with the quick reply.


  • constructor(title: string): Initializes a new QuickReply with the specified title.

  • setPayload(payload: string | number): Sets the payload for the quick reply. This data is sent when the button is clicked.

  • setImageUrl(imageUrl: string): Sets the image URL for the quick reply button.



  • text: The text to display with the quick replies. This should be a message or prompt for the user.

  • attachment (optional): An optional attachment object that can be included with the quick replies.

  • quick_replies: An array of QuickReply instances to include in the response.


  • constructor(text: string): Initializes a new QuickReplies instance with the specified text.

  • setAttachment(attachment: object): Sets an attachment object that can be used with the quick replies. This is optional.

  • addQuickReply(replies: QuickReply[]): Adds an array of QuickReply objects to the quick replies instance. You can add multiple quick replies at once.

Example Usage

import { QuickReplies, QuickReply } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const quickReply1 = new QuickReply('Yes')
const quickReply2 = new QuickReply('No')
const quickReplies = new QuickReplies('Do you like our service?').addQuickReply([

JSON Representation

  "text": "Do you like our service?",
  "quick_replies": [
      "content_type": "text",
      "title": "Yes",
      "payload": "YES_PAYLOAD",
      "image_url": ""
      "content_type": "text",
      "title": "No",
      "payload": "NO_PAYLOAD",
      "image_url": ""

Additional Information

The QuickReplies class is useful for creating interactive and engaging messages. By combining quick reply buttons with relevant prompts, you can guide users through a series of interactions in a streamlined manner.

For more details on integrating QuickReplies into your messaging platform, refer to the platform’s documentation on quick replies and interactive elements.

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