Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks


Manage Message, Postback, Quick Reply, and more events with @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks library.

The @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks library provides a robust mechanism for handling different types of events that occur on Facebook Messenger. When users interact with your Messenger bot, various events are triggered, and your bot can respond to these events using the library’s event handling system.

Event Handling

Event Types

The library can handle several types of events, each representing different interactions or messages from users. The event types supported are:

  • Message: Represents a message sent by the user.
  • Quick Reply: Represents a quick reply button click.
  • Echo: Represents a echoes event.
  • Postback: Represents a postback button click.
  • Template: Represents a template message.
  • Referral: Represents a referral event.

Event Structure

Each event type extends the base WebhookEvent interface, which includes common properties:

export interface WebhookEvent {
  sender: Sender;
  recipient: Recipient;
  timestamp: number;
interface Sender {
  id: string;
interface Recipient {
  id: string;

Event Interfaces

Here are the specific interfaces for each event type:

Message Event

Represents a message sent by the user. May include a quick reply and echo payload.

export interface MessageEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  message: {
    mid: string;
    text: string;
    quick_reply?: {
      payload: string;
    is_echo?: boolean;

Quick Reply Event

Represents a quick reply button click.

export interface QuickReplyEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  message: {
    mid: string;
    text: string;
    quick_reply: {
      payload: string;

Echo Event

Represents a message sent by the user. May include a quick reply and echo payload.

export interface EchoesEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  message: {
    mid: string;
    text: string;
    is_echo: boolean;

Postback Event

Represents a postback button click.

export interface PostbackEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  postback: {
    title: string;
    payload: string;

Template Event

Represents a template message. Includes template type and associated buttons.

export interface TemplateEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  template: {
    template_type: string;
    text: string;
    buttons: CallButton[] | PostbackButton[] | URLButton[];

Referral Event

Represents a referral event, typically used for deep linking or tracking.

export interface ReferralsEvent extends WebhookEvent {
  referral: {
    source: string;
    type: string;
    ref?: string;

Handling Events in the Bot

The Bot class emits events based on the event type determined by the determineEventType function. Here’s how you can handle events in your bot:

import {
} from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const bot = new Bot({
  accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN || '',
  verifyToken: process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN || '',
bot.on('message', async (event: MessageEvent) => {
  const { sender, message } = event;
  // Handle the message event
bot.on('postback', async (event: PostbackEvent) => {
  const { sender, postback } = event;
  // Handle the postback event
bot.on('quick_reply', async (event: QuickReplyEvent) => {
  const { sender, message } = event;
  // Handle the quick reply event
bot.on('template', async (event: TemplateEvent) => {
  const { sender, template } = event;
  // Handle the template event
bot.on('referral', async (event: ReferralsEvent) => {
  const { sender, referral } = event;
  // Handle the referral event

In this setup, the bot listens for different event types and executes the appropriate handler for each event type.

By understanding and utilizing these event types and handlers, you can create dynamic and interactive Messenger bots that respond to user actions effectively.

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