Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Core API

Explore @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks Bot class for building scalable Facebook Messenger bots.

Bot Class

The Bot class provides the main interface for interacting with the Facebook Messenger API. It simplifies the process of setting up a webhook server, handling incoming messages, and sending responses.


constructor(options: Options)


  • options: Configuration options for the Bot instance. The Options interface includes:
  • accessToken (string): The Facebook App access token.
  • verifyToken (string): The verification token for webhook setup.
  • port (number, optional): The port number for the server (default: 8080).
  • endpoint (string, optional): The webhook endpoint (default: '/webhook').
  • version (string, optional): The Facebook Graph API version (default: 'v19.0').


public start(): void

Starts the bot server and sets up the webhook endpoints. This method handles both the verification of the webhook setup and the reception of incoming messages.

  • Webhook Verification: Responds to Facebook's GET request for webhook verification using the verifyToken.
  • Message Handling: Receives POST requests and emits events based on the incoming messages.


public async sendRequest<T>(
    method: 'GET' | 'POST',
    endpoint: string,
    requestBody?: Record<string, unknown>,
): Promise<T>

Sends an HTTP request to the Facebook Graph API.


  • method: The HTTP method to use ('GET' or 'POST').
  • endpoint: The API endpoint to request.
  • requestBody (optional): The body of the request for 'POST' requests.


public async sendMessage(recipientId: string, message: object): Promise<void>

Sends a message to a recipient.


  • recipientId: The ID of the recipient.
  • message: The message object to send.


public async sendTextMessage(recipientId: string, message: string): Promise<void>

Sends a text message to a recipient.


  • recipientId: The ID of the recipient.

  • message: The text message to send.

  • Throws: Will throw an error if the message exceeds 2000 characters.


public async sendAttachment(
    recipientId: string,
    type: 'audio' | 'file' | 'image' | 'video' | 'template',
    url: string,
    isReusable?: boolean
): Promise<void>

Sends an attachment (audio, file, image, video, or template) to a recipient.


  • recipientId: The ID of the recipient.
  • type: The type of the attachment.
  • url: The URL of the attachment.
  • isReusable (optional): Whether the attachment is reusable (default: true).


public async setTyping(recipientId: string, isTyping: boolean): Promise<void>

Sets the typing status of the recipient.


  • recipientId: The ID of the recipient.
  • isTyping: Whether the recipient is typing (true or false).

Additional Information

  • Error Handling: The sendRequest method throws an error if the response is not successful, providing detailed error information.
  • Event Emission: The Bot class extends EventEmitter and can emit events based on incoming messages.

This class provides a powerful and flexible way to interact with the Facebook Messenger Platform, handling both message reception and response efficiently.

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