Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Receipt Template

Create comprehensive receipt messages for purchases, featuring items, summaries, and order details.

The ReceiptTemplate class is designed to create detailed receipt messages for users. It includes information such as the recipient's name, order details, and a list of purchased items. This template can also include adjustments and address information.



  • title: The title or name of the receipt element (e.g., item name).
  • subtitle (optional): A secondary line of text providing more details about the element.
  • quantity (optional): The quantity of the item. This is useful for items that are purchased in bulk.
  • price: The price of the item.
  • currency (optional): The currency in which the price is specified.
  • image_url (optional): A URL to an image representing the item.


  • constructor(title: string, price: number): Initializes a new ReceiptElement with the specified title and price.

  • setSubtitle(subtitle: string): Sets a subtitle for the ReceiptElement.

  • setQuantity(quantity: number): Sets the quantity for the ReceiptElement.

  • setCurrency(currency: string): Sets the currency for the ReceiptElement.

  • setImageUrl(imageUrl: string): Sets the image URL for the ReceiptElement.



  • sharable (optional): Whether the receipt template is sharable. Defaults to false.

  • recipient_name: The name of the recipient of the receipt.

  • merchant_name (optional): The name of the merchant or store issuing the receipt.

  • order_number: The unique order number for the receipt.

  • order_url (optional): A URL where more information about the order can be found.

  • currency: The currency used for the transaction.

  • payment_method: The method of payment used for the transaction.

  • timestamp (optional): The timestamp when the transaction occurred.

  • elements: An array of ReceiptElement instances, representing the items purchased.

  • address (optional): The address where the receipt is sent or the delivery address.

  • summary: A summary object containing the subtotal, shipping cost, total tax, and total cost.

  • adjustments (optional): An array of adjustments applied to the receipt, such as discounts or additional fees.


  • constructor(recipient_name: string, order_number: string, currency: string, payment_method: string, { sharable = false }: { sharable?: boolean } = {}): Initializes a new ReceiptTemplate with the required information and optional sharable flag.

  • setMerchantName(merchant_name: string): Sets the merchant name for the ReceiptTemplate.

  • setOrderUrl(order_url: string): Sets the order URL for the ReceiptTemplate.

  • setTimestamp(timestamp: number): Sets the timestamp for the ReceiptTemplate.

  • setAddress(address: Address): Sets the address for the ReceiptTemplate.

  • setSummary(summary: Summary): Sets the summary for the ReceiptTemplate.

  • addAdjustment(adjustment: Adjustment[]): Adds an array of adjustments to the ReceiptTemplate.

  • addElement(element: ReceiptElement[]): Adds an array of ReceiptElement instances to the ReceiptTemplate. A maximum of 100 elements can be added.

Example Usage

import { ReceiptTemplate, ReceiptElement } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const item1 = new ReceiptElement('Laptop', 999.99)
const item2 = new ReceiptElement('Mouse', 25.0).setQuantity(2).setCurrency('USD');
const receipt = new ReceiptTemplate('John Doe', '1234567890', 'USD', 'Credit Card', {
  sharable: true,
  .setMerchantName('Tech Store')
    street_1: '123 Tech Lane',
    city: 'Tech City',
    postal_code: '12345',
    state: 'TS',
    country: 'Techland',
    subtotal: 1049.99,
    shipping_cost: 0,
    total_tax: 0,
    total_cost: 1049.99,
  .addAdjustment([{ name: 'Discount', amount: -50.0 }])
  .addElement([item1, item2]);

JSON Representation

  "attachment": {
    "type": "template",
    "payload": {
      "template_type": "receipt",
      "sharable": true,
      "recipient_name": "John Doe",
      "merchant_name": "Tech Store",
      "order_number": "1234567890",
      "order_url": "",
      "currency": "USD",
      "payment_method": "Credit Card",
      "timestamp": 1633035600000,
      "elements": [
          "title": "Laptop",
          "subtitle": "High-end gaming laptop",
          "quantity": 1,
          "price": 999.99,
          "currency": "USD",
          "image_url": ""
          "title": "Mouse",
          "quantity": 2,
          "price": 25.0,
          "currency": "USD"
      "address": {
        "street_1": "123 Tech Lane",
        "city": "Tech City",
        "postal_code": "12345",
        "state": "TS",
        "country": "Techland"
      "summary": {
        "subtotal": 1049.99,
        "shipping_cost": 0,
        "total_tax": 0,
        "total_cost": 1049.99
      "adjustments": [
          "name": "Discount",
          "amount": -50.0

Additional Information

The ReceiptTemplate class provides a comprehensive way to structure receipt messages for various applications, including order confirmations and purchase receipts. By including detailed elements, address information, and a summary, you can create a complete and informative receipt for your users.

For more details on integrating ReceiptTemplate into your messaging platform, refer to the platform’s documentation on receipt templates and interactive messages.

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