Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks

Button Template

Build engaging messages with interactive buttons using the ButtonTemplate class.

The ButtonTemplate class enables you to display a text message with up to three interactive buttons. Each button can be a URL button, postback button, or call button. This template is ideal for presenting choices to users or guiding them to take specific actions.


  • text: The text to display in the template. Must be 640 characters or less.
  • buttons: An array of buttons (up to 3) to include in the template.


  • constructor(text: string): Initializes a new ButtonTemplate with the specified text.

    • Throws an error if the text exceeds 640 characters.
  • addButtons(buttons: Button[]): Adds buttons to the template.

    • Throws an error if adding the buttons exceeds the maximum limit of 3 buttons.
  • toJSON(): Converts the ButtonTemplate into the JSON format required for sending the template in a messaging platform.

Example Usage

import { ButtonTemplate } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
import { URLButton, PostbackButton } from '@pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks';
const buttonTemplate = new ButtonTemplate('Choose an option:').addButtons([
  new URLButton('Visit Website', ''),
  new PostbackButton('Confirm', 'CONFIRM_PAYLOAD'),
  new CallButton('Call Us', '+1234567890'),

JSON Representation

  "attachment": {
    "type": "template",
    "payload": {
      "template_type": "button",
      "text": "Choose an option:",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "web_url",
          "title": "Visit Website",
          "url": ""
          "type": "postback",
          "title": "Confirm",
          "payload": "CONFIRM_PAYLOAD"
          "type": "phone_number",
          "title": "Call Us",
          "payload": "+1234567890"

Additional Information

The ButtonTemplate class is a versatile way to create interactive messages with multiple buttons. By using this class, you can enhance user engagement by offering clear choices and actions in your Messenger bot.

For further customization, you can refer to the individual button types documentation to understand their specific properties and usage.

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