Messenger WebhooksMessenger Webhooks


Learn how to add URL, Postback, and Call buttons to your Messenger bot.

Buttons are a crucial part of the user interaction experience in Messenger bots. They allow users to take actions such as navigating to a webpage, triggering server events, or making phone calls. In the @pyyupsk/messenger-webhooks library, you can create three main types of buttons: URL buttons, Postback buttons, and Call buttons.


This section covers the different types of buttons you can use in your bot messages, each serving a specific purpose. Below is a brief overview of each button type and their key features:

Additional Information

Each button type can be customized further to fit your needs. By using these button components, you can create interactive and engaging experiences for users interacting with your Messenger bot.

For detailed information on each button type, refer to the specific pages linked above.

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